Marriage & Couples Therapy

Why does your spouse or partner feel like a stranger?

“We’ve been bickering more lately.”

“Why is this happening again? The third time this week, and it’s not even Thursday.”

“Do we even want the same things anymore? It doesn’t feel like we’re on the same page.”

In fact, you can’t even remember how you got here.

This place where just the sound of their voice makes you want to roll your eyes or pull out your hair and be ready for an argument.

But it’s not all bad. There are days of laughing and being silly together.

You can enjoy the occasional outing without the kids and look forward to an adult conversation.

Still, when you finally get a chance to spend time together, it somehow appears forced, or you find there’s nothing to talk about.

Problems in your relationship that took months or years to develop can’t be solved overnight.

Remember when you started dating?

Always wanting to be together, spending all your time outside of work together, binge watching tv, vegging out on the couch.

The two of you didn’t even have to talk – snuggling or being in each other’s arms was all you needed.

It’s been months, maybe years, since you even stopped to give each other a hug for no reason.
Conversations consist of discussing bills, purchases, or kids.

In fact, when was the last time you were intimate?

You’ve fallen into this comfortable place, living more like roommates, or even best friends, who happen to share living expenses and responsibilities.

So, what do you do?

Is it time to accept this arrangement?

Are you okay with little to no physical attraction, and the possibility of your significant other never again looking at you with that desire ever again?

You know, that feeling…

It invades your thoughts throughout the day. Just seeing their texts or their name when they call brings an instant smile to your face.

Neither of you race home just because you can’t wait to be in their presence.

Maybe you’ve even talked about separation, taking a break, or divorce because it’s all too much, and too lonely.

It’s a sad existence to be in a relationship, only to feel alone.

Here’s where couples therapy comes in.

It’s a place to regroup, get some feedback and objective insight.

You’ve lost sight of your goals as a couple. You don’t have any more patience for each other.

I’ll help you relearn those skills or develop the skills you may have never had.

As a society, we invest so much time and energy into material things. Things that we believe will bring us happiness and joy.

We work hard, we save money, we buy things or go places. We spend time and money to make ourselves happy.

Have you ever thought about putting just as much time and energy into your relationship?

Your relationship matters.

You get out of it, what you put into it.

Learn what it takes to move forward to a stronger relationship.

Invest in your relationship. Put time and effort back into the person you’ve grown to love and trust. If you didn’t care so much, you wouldn’t be on this page.

Things can get back to what they used to be.

You have the chance to make what you two have, better, and stronger.

I’ll work with you on communication, amongst other things.

It may seem “cliché,” and you may be thinking, “talking is easy.”

I’m here to tell you, it isn’t – we can get it wrong. If you can learn how to communicate effectively, we are headed in the right direction.

We take small steps.

Like a child taking their first steps. You must crawl before you can walk or run. Maybe in your case you need to learn how to scoot?

I tailor my approach to your needs.

Leave room for mistakes and setbacks, so when the successes come (and they will) you feel empowered and ready for the next challenge.

We make plans, set goals. We’re in this together.

What would you like your relationship to be this time around?

Fall in love again. Remember all the reasons why.

Relationships aren’t easy!

They take work, patience, care, and love to flourish and last.

Did you honestly think that without continued maintenance, your relationship was going to continue to work for you?

It’s time to put in the work for your relationship. Call me today, (559) 360-7918.